On December 9, 2020, the “Kick-off” meeting took place. Due to the pandemic caused by COVID, it has had to be held virtually.
The objectives of the meeting have been the implementation of the project, focused on aspects related to management, presentation of activities, the Management Manual, the Quality Plan and the Dissemination Plan, which were approved at said meeting. The implementation of intellectual products was also planned. The project schedule and communication and dissemination activities were agreed upon, in addition to planning the programming and design of the website. Finally, the course on key concepts of the Circular Economy was planned, establishing a work team to organize it, prepare a program and establish the selection criteria for participants.
On February 11, 2021, the course on Key Concepts of Circular Economy took place. Due to the restrictions caused by the pandemic, like the Kick-off, it had to be held online.
This activity was aimed at the different sustainability experts from the partner organizations. They were key people within the project, since they participated in the different activities and were involved in the development of the three intellectual products. The course was carried out online, being organized by the UJI in the month of February (after the Kick off meeting that was held in December), before starting
develop intellectual products. The experts were selected by each partner organization (three per partner except for UJI which contributed 6, a total of 21 participants), in accordance with the requirements established by the work team that was formed after the initial transnational meeting, according to the Curriculum Europass model vitae and through a brief interview.
The main requirements were knowledge of the English language, willingness to participate in the development of the project and good knowledge of circular economy and sustainability. The objective of the activity was to generate mutual understanding between the different experts about the key concepts that are developed throughout the project. The circular economy and sustainability are established as key concepts, and how this can be translated into practical actions.
These concepts are located on the border of knowledge of different disciplines, so it is necessary to clarify from the beginning of the project the focus, the level of depth, the scope and the relationships between them.
Held online, on April 21, 2021
Objectives: during the meeting, the situation of the intellectual product O1 was presented. “Training guide to circular economy management strategies for microenterprises.” The last tasks of said intellectual product were planned. The realization of the O2 intellectual product “360º web-based multimedia training resources on good practices and innovative ways to extend the useful life of textile products” was planned. The learning activity developed in the month of February 2021 was also evaluated and monitored. The following dissemination activities were scheduled.
On October 19 and 20, 2021, finally, the Third transnational meeting in Slovenia was held in person.
The objectives have been: present the O1 intellectual product to the partners and its evaluation by all attendees. Analyze monitoring reports. Present the situation of the intellectual product O2 “360º web-based multimedia training resources on good practices and innovative ways to extend the useful life of textile products.” Present reports related to dissemination activities.
On June 1 and 2, 2022, finally, the fourth transnational meeting in Germany was held in person.
The objectives have been: Present the O2 intellectual product to partners and its evaluation by all attendees. Planning the realization of the intellectual product O3 “E-learning training course for trainers on circular economy”. Planning dissemination activities.
On November 8 and 9, 2022, the fifth transnational meeting in Italy was held in Lecce.
The objectives have been: Present partners with the O2 intellectual product in all partner languages. Address IO3 configuration. Planning of the pilot course aimed at adult trainers in the circular economy. Presentation of monitoring reports by each partner. Schedule project dissemination activities.
On June 6 and 7, 2023, the final meeting of the project in Zaragoza has been developed.
The objectives have been: Present the O3 intellectual product to partners. Report on the results of the pilot training action. Planning the final report. Organization of multiplier events. Project sustainability plan. Reports on partner dissemination actions.